July 12, 2024
Following Wakefield Council’s Planning and Highways Committee approval in May this year, work has now commenced on the Langthwaite Enterprise Zone. Contractors, Balfour Beatty began construction work earlier this month (June 2024) to establish a temporary access road from Onward Way into the main site. The project is split into two phases. The site is in the ownership of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and the Full Business Case for Phase 1, together with £12.7m funding was approved by the Combined Authority at its meeting in July 2023. Phase 1 will unlock the enterprise zone, which is 9.45 hectares in size, by delivering an access road constructed to an adoptable standard that connects to the main site. The site will be remediated up to development platform level, creating up to 27,000sqm of potential commercial floor space with an indicative unit size range of between 700 – 9,300 sqm. An Asset Development Plan for Phase 2 is currently being developed which will inform the future commercial development of the site including the exact type and size of units. Main Contacts for the Enterprise Zone (EZ) Please find below the main contact for any enquiries regarding the Enterprise Zone: Langthwaite construction project for Phase 1: Imtiaz Hasan – Infrastructure Project Manager imtiaz.hasan@westyorks-ca.gov.uk To register your interest if you require land or premises as part of Phase 2, please contact: James Briggs – Head of Commercial Development and Investment James.Briggs@westyorks-ca.gov.uk / business@westyorks-ca.gov.uk