The quorate AGM for Langthwaite Business Park took place on Thursday 10th October 2024 at Production Park.
The quorate LBA AGM took place on Thursday 10th October 2024 in Production Park's Building 005, Studio 004. Toni Crooks, Chair of the LBA welcomed all those present to the meeting and ran through the proceedings for the AGM.
Jim Farmery, Production Park, retired by rotation and stood for re-election. Jim was re-elected to the Board of the LBA. Matt Stevenson, Slide Motorsport, had filled a casual vacancy held by the Board earlier in the year, stood for election, where he was also elected to the Board.
Toni informed the members that there are vacancies for another 2 businesses on the Board. If you would like any further information, about becoming an LBA Board Member, please call the LBA on 01977 652984 or email us on
Mr Jan Szczepanski, Director of Sanders Partnership presented and reported on the LBA Annual Accounts. Mr Szczepanski gave a breakdown and an explanation of the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2024. The report and accounts as approved by the LBA Board were considered and noted.
Nicola Parker gave a presentation outlining the activities undertaken on Langthwaite Business Park through the BID during the 12 months starting on 1st September 2024 and ending on 31st August 2024. For those members who were unable to attend the meeting a copy of the presentation can be found HERE.
David Blakelock from The Media Consultancy officially launched the new LBA Website. David provided information about the new website, demonstrated the new business directory and how this links directly to the businesses on the park.
David also spoke about the news section and how this page will be used to advertise news and events that are happening on the park, but also for businesses to share your company news.
If you have any news that you would like to share, please contact Nicola Parker by email to or by calling 01977 652984.
Rob Tranmer, Economic Lead and Imtiaz Hasan, Development Manager from West Yorkshire Combined Authority gave a presentation outlining the progress made on the Langthwaite Enterprise Zone.
For those members who were unable to attend the meeting a copy of the presentation can be found